Comic colouring for 2000 AD, Judge Dredd Megazine and others.

Getting my name into 2000AD was a dream come true. What follows is probably best described as an exercise in self-indulgence! A series of comparisons, showing the fantastic artwork I was given and the coloured pages I created whilst grinning like a loon at my good fortune.

Let’s start with the Judge Dredd story “Black Day at Bad Rock” which appeared in the 2000AD Sci-Fi Special, 1996. Written by Robbie Morrison with art by Christian Bravery and Jack Covvela, colours by yours truly and lettering by the the late and very lovely Tom Frame…

Rogue Trooper Jet

Illustration by Chris Foss

Rogue Trooper Tank

Illustration by Chris Foss

Story by Dan Abnett, art by Anthony Williams, lettering by Steve Potter

2000 AD, Prog 982 - Sinister Dexter “Curl Up & Die”

Judge Dredd Megazine, Vol. 3 Nos. 30-33 - The Inspectre “Trial By Fury”

Story by Kevin Walker and Jim Campbell, art by Andrew Currie

Story by Kek-W and Steve Yeowell with lettering by Ellie DeVille

2000 AD, Prog 990 - Vector 13 “The Dream Factory”


Curvy Coke Glass


Domestos Power 5